With summer around the corner, we thought we'd revisit our rope related skills and get our nautical on! This natural fibre is visually, texturally and functionally pleasing. An easy item to work with, it has lots of DIYs associated with it.
We've rounded up a few of our favorite ones. Here's the list!
Want to make yourself some pretty vases or storage baskets? Rope's got you covered, literally! Cover a vase or holder with rope, ensuring that your gluing the previous layer of rope to the next one. Allow the rope to dry, remove the inside container and you've got yourself a rustic vase/ storage container.
From covering the base with rope, to stringing fairy lights and rope, having a rope shade or just covering the wire with rope, the ideas of rope lighting are varied. You can accomplish industrial, sea side or rustic lighting with just a bit of rope.
Tie ropes to mason jars to make hanging lamps or planters, use long ropes to create beautiful partitions or railings too, or string them along with curios to make some decorations for your walls.
An old tyre or waste basket can really come to use with this trick. All that you have to do is wrap your rope around the seat with ample glue and you've got yourself a refurbished shabby chic seat! You can even remove the upholstery of an old chair and make a rope network seat.
We're still learning the ropes on these gorgeous DIYs. Hope you'll try them out too!
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