Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Chalk it up!

       Chalkboard paint seems to be making it's way across all types of home decor these days. And why not? Chalkboard surfaces offer color freedom across the home and a chance to incorporate inspiring quotes, daily tasks and cute messages into your home decor. Pick an old photo frame, a spice rack or an old painting and turn it into a piece of chalk board art!

     Here's a few steps to get on this fun project:

  • Firstly, make sure your surface is free from holes, nails or other protusions or dents. Try and make it as smooth as possible.
  • Apply a coat of primer first, making sure this coat dries before the next step.
  • You can now make your portions of 1 cup paint and 2tbsp unsanded grout. This mixture dries quite quickly hence even if you need alot of paint stick to making smaller quantities at a time.
  • Apply your paint onto the surface with long strokes. Let this coat dry (for upto two hours) and now apply your second coat. Repeat this 4-5 times for a solid long lasting finish.
  • You are now ready to get the chalks out and get your word art on!
These pictures are sure to give you inspiration and guide you along the different parts of the house chalboards can be displayed!

Living Room:


Dining Room:


Home Decor:

Here's a fun decor idea that can remind you of school days, keeps track of your daily tasks, acts as an inspiration and is visually appealing! 

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