We are in the season of bountiful rains and with lots of water comes lots of greenery. The kaleidoscope of nature's colors around me symbolizing new life makes me want to get my hands dirty and take part in this renewal of nature's vows. So if you have even a little scope for a garden around your home join me in adding a little bit to the natural landscape!
Here are a few tips to keep in mind before donning the green thumb:
Here are a few tips to keep in mind before donning the green thumb:
- Make a plan!
The first thing you want to do is make a plan. You don't want to be mud deep and then realize you have no idea what you're doing! Decide what kind of plants you want to grow, how many plants and where you want to grow them.
- Pick a spot
Be sure of which place in or around your house is perfect for your green friends. Be aware of the sunlight, wind and distance from a water source the spot you've picked has. Also very importantly make sure that you've chosen a place wherein you can enjoy the plants because I'm sure nature wants us have fun with it.
- Prepare the base
Remember the lesson you learned at your first dance class or at the lecture on rockets in science class in this case. For anything to go up, the base needs to be strong. Clear off the ground from sod (surface of the ground covered with grass), weed and other rubbish. Dig the soil thoroughly (can be very meditative too) and layer in compost as much as you can. If you aren't going to plant in the soil directly, don't make a hurried decision and pick a random earthen pot. Not that I'm against good ol' mud pots, but trust me you'd want to take a look at the the variety of planters out there before you make a choice!
- Pick your plants and Research them
Make sure you know everything there is to know about your plants before you start planting them. Do they grow in your country's climate? How much water they need? What kind of special care they require? These and more are questions you would want to find the answers to!
Now you can get ready to dig, sow, water and repeat! Watch this space next week to find out how you can add some non living accessories to your garden to enhance the beauty of the living ones.